A white picket fence and green house in the middle of a yard.

The Frank and Mary Hay Langford Home

415 Fourteenth Street Bandera, Texas

Benjamin Franklin Langford, Jr. (1876-1950) and Mary Emma Hay Langford (1880-1971), or Frank and Aunt Mary were the owners of this fine home. Both grew up in Bandera. Both had a strong sense of duty to family and community. They were always ready to help, be it friend or a complete stranger-never asking anything in return. The home was built in 1852 and a second floor was added by the Langfords in 1915. The interior is much the same as it was in the 1920s.

A map of the ocean with green and blue areas.
Langford House 1915, Addition of second floor.
Langford house about 1907 with Lora and Mary on the porch.
National Register of Historic Places, Department of Interior
Texas Historical Commission Marker
Bandera City Historic Landmark
A map of the ocean with green and blue areas.